How to Get on the Same Page as Your Partner Financially
Money is part of every relationship. The sooner you and your partner create a plan for your finances together, the more success you’ll have in reaching your goals. Here are a few steps you can take today to get on the same page as your partner financially.
Discuss Your Goals
The first step is to talk about your life goals. Whether those goals are specifically financial or not, the way you handle your money will largely determine how quickly you reach them. Creating goals together will help you both determine what your ideal future might look like.
During this conversation it’s important to lay out the details of your financial relationship that your partner should know about such as student loan payments or how much you’d like to allocate for retirement.
Having this conversation early allows you to have a trusted partner and a clear idea of where you’re headed when it comes to reaching your financial goals - and avoid arguments around money.Determine How to Reach Those Goals
One of the best ways to reach your financial goals with your partner is to create a budget together. Both of you should be knowledgeable of the details that make up your budget.
Don’t be intimidated by the word budget! A simple spreadsheet that lays out how much money you bring in and how much goes out is a great way to keep track of where your money ends up each month.
Once you have a clear idea of how your money moves each month, you can adjust your budget accordingly to help you see where changes need to be made to help you reach your shared goals.Schedule Time to Check-In
Reviewing your budget together helps to prevent overspending spending. Checking in together once a month is a great way to make sure you’re both making joint decisions about your finances.
During this check-in you can discuss if it might be helpful for you and your partner to assign responsibilities. For example, one can manage bill payments while the other manages retirement planning. When you’re both responsible for part of your financial journey, it helps prevent misunderstandings, and makes sure you’re both involved in the entire process.If you’re off track during your check-ins, don’t sweat it. Having these check-ins are your chance to review progress and address any existing concerns.
My biggest piece of advice is to remember that finances are a team effort. If you have a future you’re both excited about achieving, there’s a good chance you’ll get there. Plus, celebrating wins with your partner is always more fun!
If you need support creating that team budget, grab mine for free to get started.