03: Why Every Entrepreneur Should Read This Book ( + Giveaway)
Behind Their Success: Ep 3 Transcript
Paden: Ep 3
paden: [00:00:00] Hello, I'm Paden Squires and I'm the host of the podcast
paden: This podcast is for those who are dissatisfied with where they are at in their life and career currently. I used to be one. When I got out of college with my master's degree, I started working in banking. I eventually moved to a Fortune 500 company. I quickly find out being an employee was not for me. I was bored out of my mind. And did not like it whatsoever. Something eventually lit a fire under me. I started studying for the CPA exam, listening to podcasts and reading books every day. By doing that, I had passed all four parts of the CPA exam in eight months and quit my job.
paden: I opened up my own tax firm, having never been paid to do someone's taxes before. in 2014. Since then, I've consistently grown my business. I've had a lot of success in other business ventures, including real estate, property management, among other things. And now I'm looking for a new venture. I want to help inspire you and other [00:01:00] entrepreneurs to achieve their potentials and dreams, as well as learn from the stories of these entrepreneurs as to see what has gone well and what hasn't gone well for them.
paden: Let's go create a bunch of healthy, wealthy, and wise entrepreneurs Hey, guys, I got a quick ask. If you've ever got any value from one of our episodes, please rate and review us. It really is the best way to help us grow our reach as we work on our goal of creating as many healthy, wealthy and wise entrepreneurs out there as possible. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that.
I'm extremely grateful. Now back to our show.
Hey guys, today we're going to talk about one of my favorite books of all time, which is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. this was a book that Napoleon Hill wrote in, well it was published in 1937, but he wrote it over a period of time, about 20 years. It took him to put this book, completely together.[00:02:00]
So to back it up, Think and Grow Rich is actually the, best selling book self development book of all time. It's sold over a hundred million copies. It's sold, like eight to 10 times more copies than the next closest, self development book. So it, it is really widely considered as one of the best books, to get you to where you want to go. So Napoleon Hill is the author. it's really an interesting story how he came about to writing this book. He was really trying to figure out what makes people successful, what makes some people successful and other people's, you know, aren't quite as successful.and somehow he came across talking to Andrew Carnegie, who was the, steel magnet.
So he was the richest guy in the world at the time. Ended up being worth four or five hundred million dollars, you know, back in the 1930s, which is bananas amounts of money. and he actually ended up building most of the libraries, across the United States.
He gave away, massive amounts of wealth. first sas second part of his life. Building libraries, which was huge for educating a whole lot of the U S [00:03:00] population. But anyway, Andrew Carnegie, he challenged Napoleon hill to kind of go on a quest really. So, Napoleon Hill was challenged by Carnegie to go out and interview all the successful people he could find.
So he went around and interviewed people like Henry Ford. and Carnegie. all these other big, business people of the, Robin Barron age these massive corporations at the time. And really just trying to get to the actual essence of what makes them successful, right? What, what do they have in common? That's really what the book tries to delve into and solve. So really kind of the principles themselves behind success. And, I was lucky enough to come across it early in my career, uh, really kind of right out of college is when I first read it.
And really I've kind of made it a habit of reading it, at least once a year, just to kind of soak in that information again, because every time you kind of go back to it, there's like, wow, you know, uh, more, more pieces of it hits you, as you're in different stages of your life, but really some of the main principles is positive [00:04:00] mindset. I think it's Albert Einstein, had a famous quote where he's, one of the most important decisions any person can make is, is the world for you or against you. and that, really kind of comes down to a positive mindset. the other things that really focus on is setting absolutely clear goals.You know, everything begins with a thought and a desire. and the more clear you can get on what you actually want, the easier it is to figure out how to actually getting that thing that you want. So it really focuses on that, right? Creating a desire for what you want. You know, almost all successful people out there, including people like Oprah and Warren Buffett, credit this book for being very influential on their lives.
It's a book that you spend time with and really read over and over again. But, the essence of the book is that you have the ability to get and achieve whatever you want, but you have to set the intentionality and have the discipline to follow it through. [00:05:00] So, I just want to share one of my favorite books.
it definitely is worth a read and a multiple read. So let me know what you think of the book, or got any questions about it.